Sunday, July 18, 2010

YEEAAAHHH~~~~ yesterday was a NICE DAY~ -LOL- XD

hahahahahaha! hello there ^^

okay, yesterday I've been attending an event that held by YAMAHA corp. well, the event was actually NOT the cosplay event, but It's a launching of their new MATIC, XEON. so, to make it simple, My friends and I was joined the event and cosplay there ^^


I cosplayed as RUKIA KUCHIKI from Bleach and my friend Akuma amo Kyoshi and Shinra cosplayed as ROXAS & XION from Kingdom hearts II. Yoru also cosplayed as a Ninja and Kaito as a Sniper from Ragnarok Online. :))

At first, I doubted that I can did cosplay in that event because I have SOME MAJOR PROBLEMS with my cosplay: WEAPON (Rukia's zanpakuto) and WIG! XP

Yeah, because the weapon still unfinished and my wig still didn't arrived yet. I sent that wig to my friend in surabaya last month and suddenly I agreed to do cosplay as rukia and I needed that wig again. so my friend sent it back to me but until the day before the main day, That wig still hasn't come. :(

I almost canceled to attended the event and decided to not to take any part in that cosplay event, but my friend Akuma Kyoshi always gave me any supported and I got my enthusiashm in cosplay again. XD

and in the final day, MY WIG ARRIVED! ^^ ALSO MY ZANPAKUTO HAVE FINISHED! hohohohoho ^^
finally, I joined the competition and I WON! haha ^^

But, I just got the second place but it still make me couldn't believe it! *crybaby*

this is the photo of me with my trophy ^^:
me and my tired face~ XD

and this is the photo of me, and the other winner. first and third place ^^:

The first place: Edo as HASEO from .Hack//G.U
The second place: me as Rukia Kuchiki from BLEACH
The third place: Yoru as GOH from Shinobido. ^^

and this is the photo of me after performed -LOL- :
Rukia and Roxas XD *sorry for the photo's Quality. it's taken from cellphone camera. XD*

also, my extremely GAJE photo's
*oh my god, I will commit suicide after this photo has been posting today~ XD*





well, I have another photo's but unfortunately I'm not alone. maybe this photo can satisfied you all~ XD
  same level with the previous photo. weird. =="

huhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhu........!!!!!!!!!! TT____TT

okay, enough with my weird photos today! wahahaahahahahahh~ XD

hahahahaha~ with my CRAZY and AUTIS friends!

such a nice day~ ^^

P.S: sorry for the POOR STRUCTURE & GRAMMAR. Although I have been studying it from JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL until NOW, I can't mastered it! so sucks! =="

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