Saturday, July 10, 2010


yup, today is Kushina's birthday. YEY~~~~~ ^^v

well, tha fact that she is one of may favorite character in Naruto series. maybe I can say that NARUTO'S PARENTS ARE MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS! YAAAYY~~~ <3

but I dunno, I'm not really fond of naruto himslef. gyaahahahaahahahah~~..
although when he become older, he looks his father. yeah, handsome.

cukup ngelanturnya. POKOKNYA. SAIIA SUKA KUSHINA EN MINATO!!!! >w<

hahahahahaha.. the are really really really cute together. ^^

ah, for your information, I like STRAIGHT pairing. so, It's NORMAL if I like this couple. ^^

AND..!!! if I were an assistant of MASASHI KISHIMOTO-sensei, I will beg him so that I can be added as an original character in naruto's series. maybe, became the big sister of Naruto, maybe? anyone that INVOLVES NARUTO'S FAMILY!!!! -LOL- XXDDDDDD

*digebukin fans yang lain.* XD

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