Friday, July 30, 2010

happy birthday to me

okay, it's SO EARLY to say this but I don't know if I can Online tomorrow or not.

so, it's a happy birthday to me. ^^

I want to watch gintama as I wait to the day after comes.. ^^

countdown to......

21.42 PM

Yah, disini waktu sedang menunjukkan pukul 21.42, atau lewat 43 menit?


Dalam hitungan menit dan detik, aku bertambah usia.

Sejujurnya, aku tidak siap.

Sungguh-sungguh tidak siap.

What must I do now?

Haruskah aku berubah?

Haruskah aku tetap seperti ini?

Tak ada yang tahu.

Jika aku bisa memohon pada ulang tahunku yang ke-20 ini,

Aku ingin meminta agar aku bisa menjadi lebih baik.

Aku gugup.

Aku tak tahu harus bagaimana.

Baru kali in, saat akan berulang tahun, aku takut.

Aku takut pada tanggung jawab yang mesti aku pikul nantinya.

Aku takut harus menghadapi sesuatu yang besar.

Sesuatu yang bisa membuatku rapuh dan terjatuh.

Akh, aku bingung.

Aku...tak tahu harus berbuat apa.

Kenapa aku tak merasa bahagia?


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Arti angka 20 bagiku


Tentunya pembaca udah tau arti angka 20, bukan? lalu bagaimana dengan usia ke 20? apakah ada maknanya bagi anda?

Bagiku, sangat banyak.

Dimulai dari diri sendiri. arti angka 20, tepatnya usia ke 20 itu merupakan satu titik permulaan juga titik akhir.
titik akhir dimana sifat kekanakan dan segala hal yang bersifat 'anak-anak' perlahan-lahan harus di tinggalkan. setidaknya dikurangi.

Lalu merupakan titik permulaan dimana diri kita dituntut untuk lebih serius dan bertanggung jawab. dalam artian, menjadi pribadi dewasa dan tahu apa yang harus di lakukan.

Pertanyaannya, bagaimana dengan saya sendiri?

Jawabannya, saya juga tidak tahu.

Okay, memang ini belum saatnya aku berganti usia. Karena dalam hitungan hari, 3 hari lagi, aku baru akan berulang tahun. Ya, tepat pada tanggal 31 juli.

Ibu saya sempat bertanya padaku, "Ulang tahun nanti ingin hadiah apa?"
Saya hanya menjawab. "Tidak perlu. Aku hanya ingin diberi kesehatan yang baik dan bisa menyelesaikan kuliah dengan baik dan benar."
Lalu beliau berkata."kamu sudah mulai dewasa,ya?"

Satu kata yang membuatku merenung kembali.



Dua kata yang tampaknya tidak semudah itu dirangkai dalam satu kalimat.


Apakah aku sudah dewasa?

Apakah dari segala sifat dan kelakuanku selama ini, mencerminkan arti dewasa?


Aku tetap kekanak-kanakan dengan segala hobi maupun kesukaan yang tidak bisa begitu saja aku tinggalkan.

Dalam waktu yang cukup lama, aku mungkin tidak bisa disebut dewasa.

Setidaknya, aku yang seperti ini sudah cukup.

Tapi, aku akan berusaha lebih baik lagi untuk menjadi seseorang yang berusia 20 tahun.

Karena itu, Aku harus bisa meninggalkan sifat buruk dan tingkah laku yang tidak pantas.

Dan tentunya.......

.......menjadi kurus. XD

Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Luna-chaan~ ^^

Yeah, Actually I love Stellar than Lunamaria but because today is Luna's birthday, I just celebrate it. XD
She is a good girl, and Shinn's new girlfriend. urayamashii~ T^T

okay, this is her photo with Meyrin. her lil'sist and Shinn when they were still a student. XD
kawaii~ ano sakura ga..*slapped* XD

and this is a picture when she did shopping with her boyfriend. *I am going to make voodoo doll to cursed her* XD
nice body~~ *drooling* =="

and this is Luna with friends~ XD

note:maaf kalau rada ga niat postingnya soalnya sayah lemes banget. ga tau kenapa. huhuhuhu T^T

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Soundless Voice lyric

okay, I will post a song, a song lyric actually. this song is so good and so SAD! I cried over and over again everytime I heard this song. This song sung by Kagamine Len. But Valshe-sama, a nico nico douga's singer cover it and I FALLIN' LOVE OVER AND OVER AGAIN WITH THIS SONG! >w<

This is the lyric. enjoy. ^^
all credit is NOT MINE. It's belong to it's creator. XD

静寂が 街を包む夜に
seijaku ga machi wo tsutsu mu yoru ni
降り注ぐ 白
furi soso gu shiro
kazashi ta te no hira ni
触れた 瞬間に 解けてく
fure ta shunkan ni toke te ku
儚い ヒトカケラ
haka nai hito kakera

オトもなく 積もる
oto mo naku tsumo ru
ヒカリを 集めて
hikari wo atsume te
君は 笑う
kimi wa warau
今 どんな オト?
ima don na oto 
答えたって 君は
kotae tatte kimi wa
moo nani mo
kikoe nai

kirushi i tte itte kure yo
samishi i tte itte kure yo
迎えに行く どんな処へも
mukae ni iku don na tokoro e mo

逝かないでよ 何所へも
ika nai de yo doko e mo
oite ka nai de
bokura zutto 
futari de hitotsu daroo?

降り積もる 雪とともに
furi tsumo ru yuki to tomo ni
消えてゆく 君を
kie te yuku kimi wo
daki shime ru koto shika deki nai yo

叶うなら もう一度だけ
kana u nara moo ichido dake
君の声が 聴きたい
kimi no koe ga kiki tai
ただ一度 もう一度だけ
tada ichido moo ichido 
yonde yo

虚ろって 彷徨う瞳に
uturo tte samayou hitomi ni
映った ヒトシズク
utsutta hito shizuku

hai iro no sekai 
tomatta mama
yuki dake ga sotto
furi soso gu

tsumeta ku natte iku yo
戻らない そのコエ
modo ra nai sono koe
解け合う事も 許されない
toke au koto mo yurusare nai
ore no koe wo kii te yo 
mata waratte yo
涙さえ 枯れ果て
namida sae kare hate
kimi no koto
toka se nai

叶うなら この声
kana u nara kono koe
全て 奪い去って
subete ubai satte
itoshi i hito e to atae te kudasai

君ガイナイセカイに ただ独り
kimi ga inai sekai ni tada hitori
nokosare ru no nara 
kono mama
issho ni
kuchite iku yo

アイシテ(イ)ル ただ それさえ
ai shite ru tada sore sae
ie nai mama
towa ni
toza sare te yuku
kimi tono sekai

叫んでも 届かないよ
saken demo todo ka nai yo
kimi no koe wa moo inai

降り積もる 雪よ
furi tsumo ru yuki yo
どうか 降り続けてずっと
dooka furi tsuzuke te zutto
このまま 全て奪い去ってよ
kono mama subete ubai satte yo

儚い コエのイノチごと
haka nai koe no inochi goto
kaki keshi te

Backing chorus
(儚い命は 天に昇り
(haka nai inichi wa ten ni nobo ri 
toke te yuku yuki no shiro ni somaru
何も残らないよ 魂さえ
nani mo nokora nai yo tamashii sae 
nani mo kamo)

shiro ku

you can see the video here and the off vocal version here

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday, SASUKO~~ eh SASUKE~ -LOL- XD

* Please ignorte naruto in this pic. I can't find a proper picture for sasuke. XD*

makin ganteng ajah kamu, meski lebih ganteng GAARA~ GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..!!!! *stress* XD

okay, I will posting some sasuke's picture. gyahahahahahaha
With his family:

*kawaii sasuke~ <3*

also with his brother:

aku juga pengen di gendong~~ XXDDD
and this is his picture:

and for the present, I will give you THIS (similar,you think? Even I don't know sasuke had pose like this. honestly):

Monday, July 19, 2010



agak stress nih saiia! hohohohoho..

oke, kemarin saiia baru saja membeli wig ELIZABETH MIDDLEFORD a.k.a LIZZY from KUROSHITSUJI! hahaha~ ^^

this is the picture:
*sorry if I'm not as cute ac lizzy and this photo a bit sexy for her. XD*


and this photo remind me of sheryl nome:
  *okay, I will say once again, I'm not as pretty and hot as Sheryl. My lil'sist does. XD*


But, I like this photo very much:
*yeah, I can be so cute like this~ -slapped-* XD

Sunday, July 18, 2010

YEEAAAHHH~~~~ yesterday was a NICE DAY~ -LOL- XD

hahahahahaha! hello there ^^

okay, yesterday I've been attending an event that held by YAMAHA corp. well, the event was actually NOT the cosplay event, but It's a launching of their new MATIC, XEON. so, to make it simple, My friends and I was joined the event and cosplay there ^^


I cosplayed as RUKIA KUCHIKI from Bleach and my friend Akuma amo Kyoshi and Shinra cosplayed as ROXAS & XION from Kingdom hearts II. Yoru also cosplayed as a Ninja and Kaito as a Sniper from Ragnarok Online. :))

At first, I doubted that I can did cosplay in that event because I have SOME MAJOR PROBLEMS with my cosplay: WEAPON (Rukia's zanpakuto) and WIG! XP

Yeah, because the weapon still unfinished and my wig still didn't arrived yet. I sent that wig to my friend in surabaya last month and suddenly I agreed to do cosplay as rukia and I needed that wig again. so my friend sent it back to me but until the day before the main day, That wig still hasn't come. :(

I almost canceled to attended the event and decided to not to take any part in that cosplay event, but my friend Akuma Kyoshi always gave me any supported and I got my enthusiashm in cosplay again. XD

and in the final day, MY WIG ARRIVED! ^^ ALSO MY ZANPAKUTO HAVE FINISHED! hohohohoho ^^
finally, I joined the competition and I WON! haha ^^

But, I just got the second place but it still make me couldn't believe it! *crybaby*

this is the photo of me with my trophy ^^:
me and my tired face~ XD

and this is the photo of me, and the other winner. first and third place ^^:

The first place: Edo as HASEO from .Hack//G.U
The second place: me as Rukia Kuchiki from BLEACH
The third place: Yoru as GOH from Shinobido. ^^

and this is the photo of me after performed -LOL- :
Rukia and Roxas XD *sorry for the photo's Quality. it's taken from cellphone camera. XD*

also, my extremely GAJE photo's
*oh my god, I will commit suicide after this photo has been posting today~ XD*





well, I have another photo's but unfortunately I'm not alone. maybe this photo can satisfied you all~ XD
  same level with the previous photo. weird. =="

huhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhu........!!!!!!!!!! TT____TT

okay, enough with my weird photos today! wahahaahahahahahh~ XD

hahahahaha~ with my CRAZY and AUTIS friends!

such a nice day~ ^^

P.S: sorry for the POOR STRUCTURE & GRAMMAR. Although I have been studying it from JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL until NOW, I can't mastered it! so sucks! =="

Thursday, July 15, 2010


OWHH~~~, He's so cute~ <3 *luph2*
one of my brondong! XXDDD

happy birthday, Ichigo~ moga BLEACH makin jaya en makin keren aja! hwahahahahahahahahahaha~
saiia ga mau berharap banyak, tapi moga kamu sama Rukia baik-baik selalu. ^^ *fans yang baik*



>>>>  because they look like an idiot when they are together.

Can't believe it? trust me. >w<

example of their silly act:

I forgot in which episode this scene was taken. hohohohohoho... cute, is it? XD

another proof of their silliness!
Stupid Ichigo! why didn't he just take her down with him instead of threw her to Renji? =="
look at Rukia's expression. wkwkwkkwwk. XD

and more..
Rukia: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!! I'm Don Kannonji-sama's fans!
Ichigo: What the...? *sweatdrop*

Rukia:"look, Ichigo! This is good, do you agree?
Ichigo:"It's so sucks, you know.."

No, Ichigo was not tried to rape her or sekuhara her. That's kon in Ichigo's body. -LOL- XD

Ichigo's shock face. XD
*note:I edited it a little. sorry. ^^*

this one is a LOT BETTER than the other. XD

but, they can be so sweet together:

and this picture is the last and also,my favorite pic.. ^^
Ichigo looks so sexy~~ *drooling* XD

hahahahaaha.. I love them~ <3 *luph2*

and for the closing picture, please enjoy this~
"...and the black sun is waiting for his white moon to come in his starry night ~.."

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


kyaaa~~~~~~ Shaoran waktu masih imuuuttt~~~~~ <3 *luph2* XD

kebalikan dari tanggal lahirnya shaoran, itu ultah shaya ^^ *tebar-tebar confetti*

sekarang Shaoran udah gede en jadi ganteng~~ hohohoho~
*nosebleed* >w<

SUPPA SUPPA SEKUSHI, ne~~~~~~ <3 *luph2*

saat masih kecil bersama Sakura di Cardcaptor sakura...

Dan saat beranjak remaja bersama sang putri di Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle....

See the different? XD

well, welcome to the Clamp's world~
-note: jadi ga nyambung sama post title.. ==" *dikeplak Syaoran! XD*-

P.S: maaf kalau postingannya dari kemarin cuma ulang tahun mulu. abisnya banyak yang ultah, sih..
STAY WITH ME ALWAYS, OKAY?! *evil smirk*


Sunday, July 11, 2010


Tanjoubi omedetou, om kyoraku~~~ *diinjek nanao* XD

sayangnya hari ini saiia ga bisa ceria-ceria banget gara-gara tadi pagi BLEACH DITAYANGKAN TANPA ADA PEMBERITAUAN KALO TUH ANIME PINDAH JAM TAYANG! HUWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT________________TT

Mau marah-marah tapi perut laper, jadinya ya ga bisa marah secara baik dan benar.. *hah????* O.o?

hwheeheheheheheheheehhe.... selamat..selamat..!! ^^

untuk fan service, saiia beri ini~~~

hyaaa~~ sweet couple~~~ *luph2* -dicincang katen kyokotsu..-

tuuhhh.... udah dikasih tatapan dingin saiia...!! (--,--)" ----------> muka kayak burung! XD

oiya, supaya ga lupa, TANJOUBI OMEDETOU juga NANAO-chaaann~~~~
meski udah lewat tanggal tujuh kemarin,sih..~~ hehehehehe

SEXY POSE~~~~ *luph-luph*

dan sedikit fanservice~~ hyahahahaha...
kelak nanao akan menjadi ibu yang baik bagi katen kyokotsu keturunannya kelak~

Saturday, July 10, 2010


yup, today is Kushina's birthday. YEY~~~~~ ^^v

well, tha fact that she is one of may favorite character in Naruto series. maybe I can say that NARUTO'S PARENTS ARE MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS! YAAAYY~~~ <3

but I dunno, I'm not really fond of naruto himslef. gyaahahahaahahahah~~..
although when he become older, he looks his father. yeah, handsome.

cukup ngelanturnya. POKOKNYA. SAIIA SUKA KUSHINA EN MINATO!!!! >w<

hahahahahaha.. the are really really really cute together. ^^

ah, for your information, I like STRAIGHT pairing. so, It's NORMAL if I like this couple. ^^

AND..!!! if I were an assistant of MASASHI KISHIMOTO-sensei, I will beg him so that I can be added as an original character in naruto's series. maybe, became the big sister of Naruto, maybe? anyone that INVOLVES NARUTO'S FAMILY!!!! -LOL- XXDDDDDD

*digebukin fans yang lain.* XD

Monday, July 5, 2010

KIMOCHI FEST '10 next episode....

whehehehehehe... bagaimana dengan posting sebelumnya? sudah cukup sakit kepala melihat photo-photo najong tersebut? *digebuk anak ANATA* 8D

oiya! lupa kasih tau kalau tim cosplay SOUL EATER ini persembahan dari tim cosplay ANATA! ^^
dan maaf jika quality dari gambarnya kurang begitu bagus dan jelas. pake kamera hape,sih! TT__TT
*nyolong camera digital orang* lol XD

sekarang masih lanjut dari yang sebelumnya, postingan photo cosplay soul eater! heheheeheheh

apa dulu,yak??!! ini dulu,deh!
*note:OALAH! PHOTONYA BISA DIBESARIN,TOH???? -katrok-* =="

yup! soul memang selalu jadi pusat perhatian. *dibacok sabit dari Blackstar. AKU BINTANG PANGGUNGNYA!!! tereak-tereak gaje* XD

dan kembali lagi dengan photo-photo 'waras' lainnya...
wuah, bahkan bikin sampai 'tangannya' juga! niat banget......... O.O

kali ini, giliran Kid yang muncul! *dari tadi soul eater mulu..!==*
asoy! Maka Vs Kid! hahahahahaha...

kali ini sama Black star. *tangannya agak kabur gambarnya!TT__TT*
*note: gambarnya ga dibuat besar coz nanti keliatan imperfect-nya.. XD*

dan terakhir......sama soul! haha
*DAN lagi-lagi photonya agak buram. gara-gara cepet-cepet motret,sih..! :((*

tambahan, Kid photo sama saiia! -lol- XD
diiringi Black star tentunya sebagai CENTER ATTENTION kali itu. XD

tapi, kenapa ada GONG yang jadi background image-nya? -LOL-

wah, 3 trio baka muncul! *disabit soul, di tonjok Black star, ditembak Kid* XD
see..?? mereka ganteng-ganteng dan....muda! *tante girang pencari brondong mode ON* XXXDDDD

NAAAAHHHHHH.................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D
kali ini, saiia akan menceriterakan suatu kisah dari Kid! rahasia terkelam dari KID THE DEATH..! huwaha ha ha ha ha ha.. *evil laugh*

photo apakah ini??

shinigami-sama: "MY SOOONNNNNNNNNN~~~~~~~ kenapa kau ganteng sekali....??!!!! sini papa ciuuummmmm!!!!!!!" *gaya isshin kurosaki,papanya ichigo di anime BLEACH*
Kid:" LIZZZZZ!!!! PATTYYYYYY!!!!! TASUKETEEEEE!!!!!!!!! >.<"
liz&patty:"...." *soalnya mereka berdua lagi dalam wujud pistol*
Saiia: "BAGUS,SHINIGAMI-SAMA! TAHAN POSE ITU TERUS!!!" *mengarahkan kamera hape dengan penuh nepsong* XXPPPPP

Kid yang malang... *geleng-geleng kepala sambil headbang* XD

dan SIALNYA, Soul dan Black star MELIHAT KEJADIAN ITU........ *nada sok mistis*
"KID....!!! MENGAPA KAU......?????? APAKAH KAU IRI MELIHAT KEMESRAAN KEAKRABAN KAMI?????" Soul dan Blackstar tak kuasa menahan tangis dan menangis secara kompak dan satu irama. XD
Black star:"huweeeeee.... kid sudah tidak murni lagi..!!! >w<"
Soul:"sudahlah, Black star. Kejadian yang menimpa kid merupakan suatu pelajaran bagi kita semua. namun, aku akan selalu berada di sisimu."
Black star:"Benarkah, soul?"
Soul:"tentu saja bodoh.." *senyum mesra*

selebihnya kalian bisa liat di sini. XP

atau kalau mau lihat video aslinya, silahkan liat di sini
*thanks to amerian16 for the video*

hwheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh~~~~~ *tawa kemenangan*

ehem! bagi yang bersangkutan ternyata membaca postingan ini, harap untuk tidak MENYANTET saiia! XD

last for that day,but not the last! heheheheeh

me and medusa-sama
mau pose imut,tapi malah jadi kayak sakit perut! wkwkwkwkwkwkwk XD


di hari kedua, saiia berubah menjadi HINAMORI MOMO! >w<

sayangnya, ga sempet photo dan tidak ada aizen-taichou ataupun shiro-chan yang mendampingi saiia! TT__TT
tapi,ternyata tanpa sadar, saiia photo juga! tapi bareng cosplayer lain. ^^v

mana duyu,ya???? oke! ini duyu,deh!
me portraying GIN ICHIMARU! -LOL- XD

cuma perasaan saiia saja atau saiia lebih mirip jadi NANAO ISE dari pada HINAMORI MOMO? =="
tinggal ditambah kacamata,langsung MAKNYOSS,dah! XD

kawaii chii~ ^^

dan yang ini, saiia bersama ICHIGO KUROSAKI dan mas BIMA SENA! hohohohoho
yeah, this one is better! :))

mata saiia ga fokus karena ada 2 kamera yang menghadang kami. *ceilaaaa*

selanjutnya, siaa langusng HENSHIN jadi yachiru! -LOL- *meskipun hanya SEDIKIT mirip. ==*