Saturday, November 19, 2011



It's me again. ohissashiburi =)
last time I wrote in this blog was before my 20th birthday. now I'm 21 y.o. wow, it's a really long time. hehe LMAO

just wanna say that I've a plan to write some stories,I mean fanfic, in this blog coz I'm too lazy to update my fanfic in my acc LOL XD

ah, I also want to tell you that maybe I'll make another blog in actually, I want to close this blog because I lost my interest to write in this blog but I re-think it and finally I decide to continue use this blog. haha

oh yeah, for your information, I'm in the not-so-good mood and really need to cry right now. some people keep bugging me and they are SO ANNOYING! >w<

well,that's a little update from me and and if you want to contact me, please follow my twitter. XD

see ya~

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