Tuesday, June 29, 2010


well, kembali lagi dengan shaya yang cantik~~~~~~~..!! kwwkwk *ditimpuk orang satu kampung*
upss.. kalo ngiri bilang aja, woi!!! XXDD *makin dilempari pake panci, wajan, kompor, dll* 8D

huhuhuhuhu... I'm in BAD CONDITION, like my post title above! TT^TT
actually, when I wake up yesterday afternoon (yeah, I wake up at 12.07 PM!==") I felt that something wrong in my beautiful left-eye. I rubbed it and voila! there is an eye lash inside my eye, or I can said, behind my pupil. TT.TT


I mean it. really. =="

I took it and blinked my eyes several times and the hurt have gone. so I thought that the problem was solved but in several minutes, I started to feel my eyes hurt again. wew! I checked it again and there's nothing inside my eye. I tried to blinked it again and I still felt that there is something inside my eye. But I can't get rid the pain from my eye. I just continually rubbed it until my eyes become wet and red. oh, THAT SO ANNOYED! >.<*

until now, I don't know what's wrong with my left eye and unconciously rubbing it. TT____TT
I hope that I'm not have an EYE-HURT! *??????????*

you don't understand? me too. (teehee) 8D

LMAO! wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

to make it short, I'M SICK! TT______TT

and one again ( it's just my feeling or I use indonesian grammar in that previous sentence? whatev.. ==")

MY NOSE IS MELER!!!! TT^TT kwwkwkwkwkwkwwkwk

or in english, you usually call it PILEK or FLU! whahahahahahahahahahhaha XXDDD

my nose can't stop to produce an INGUS! I already using up many tissue to blow my nose. It-so-sucks!

WELL, sekian kabar dari saiia..*diijotos sama pembaca--iya kalo ada yang baca XP--gara-gara gonta-ganti bahasa*. hari ini ga ada kejadian yang terlalu wah. heheehehehehehe

tapi tadi ketemu cosplayers yang ganteng tapi dodol! kwkwkwkwwk =="

hohohohoyyyy... met berjumpa di posting berikutnya,yaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~ <3
*sebar-sebar ciuman gratis ke pembaca--pembaca muntah darah* XD

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