Sunday, January 18, 2009


A/N wew,saiia kembali bergairah dalam melanjutkan fanfif asucaga saiia yang saiia beri judul “This love never end… *akhirnya…*

Maaf membuat anda bingung sekalian.^ ^ Thanks for MEER & HEINE yang membukakan hati & pikiran saya *tsaahh* tuk melanjutkan fanfic yang tertunda. *kayak judul lagu,yak??*

Disclaimer : I don’t own GUNDAM SEED DESTINY chara,,it’s SUNRISE…
Peace ^^

Genre:Romance-hurt/comfort(genre bisa berubah-ubah sesuai chapter ^^)

Elie membuka lembaran majalah anime didepannya dengan malas. Pikirannya penuh. Oleh athrun, maupun hal-hal lainnya. Matanya menjelajah isi kamarnya yang tertata rapi sampai matanya tertuju pada sebuah foto yang terpajang di atas meja riasnya. Hatinya berdenyut. Sebuah foto gadis manis berambut pirang dan bermata magenta tersenyum riang seraya menari di tepi pantai. Setitik air mata meluncur jatuh dari sudut matanya. Hari ini tepat 4 bulan ia pergi meninggalkan Elie. Rasa rindu itu kembali membuncah dalam dadanya. Ia beranjak dari ranjangnya dan berjalan kearah meja riasnya. Tangannya mengambil foto itu lalu mendekapnya erat, dan ia pun menangis. Stellar… lirihnya. Ia menunduk memandangi foto saudara satu-satunya yang ia miliki, yang kini telah berada di alam sana.
“Mengapa kau pergi begitu cepat? Aku merindukanmu. Aku ingin banyak bercerita padamu. Mengapa kita harus terpisah..? stellar..”isaknya seraya air matanya menetes pada kaca bingkai foto stellar. Ia kemudian menaruh kembali photo itu seraya mengusap air mata yang mengalir di pipinya.

Tiba-tiba ponselnya berdering disaat ia akan membuka pintu kamarnya. Di display ponselnya tertera nama yang membuat dadanya berebar kencang. “athrun..?” ucapnya sesaat menatap layar ponselnya dan ragu-ragu tuk menjawab panggilan dari athrun. Sudah beberapa hari semenjak terakhir kali athrun bicara padanya—saat Athrun meminta tuk mengakhiri hubungan mereka, Athrun tak pernah menghubungi ataupun bertemu dengan Elie lagi. She sighed. Namun belum sempat ia mengangkat telponnya, panggilan tersebut mati. Ia menatap ponselnya masih dengan wajah ragu. Tak lama athrun kembali menelponnya. Elie langsung menjawabnya.

“moshi-moshi..” ucapnya pelan.
“Elie..??it’s me.” Jawab Athrun pelan. Meskipun Elie tidak melihatnya namun Elie tau Athrun sedang tersenyum saat ini.

“tumben kau menelpon. Ada apa malam-malam begini? Is Something wrong?” tanya elie khawatir. Senyum masih mengembang di wajah Athrun. Elie selalu begitu.

“nothing’s happen. How are you??” tanya athrun sembari ia merebahkan dirinya di sofa ruang tamunya. Elie frowned.

“kau tak mungkin menelponku hanya untuk menanyakan kabarku,kan? Ayolah, kau membuatku penasaran, athrun!” jawab Elie sedikit gusar

“you never change, I think. Always like Elie I knew,right?” Athrun menjawab sembari tertawa kecil.
Elie hanya tersenyum mendengarnya. Mengingatkannya akan masa-masa indah yang pernah Ia lewati saat masih bersama dengan dirinya.

“okay. So, What’s up, Athrun dear?” Elie giggles. Athrun terdiam. Sesaat elie tersadar akan yang dikatakannya dan meralat kata-katanya. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-..,”

“ it’s okay. No need to apologize.” Jawab athrun tenang. Matanya menerawang dan Ia pun memecah kekakuan diantara mereka.

“sebenarnya aku ingin bicara padamu,. Face to face. Could you?” tanya Athrun mantap.

Elie berfikir sejenak. “when?? and where? Tonight??” Elie mengerdipkan matanya dan melirik kearah jam dinding di sampingnya.

“If you have time. But, If you can’t, I can understand. Maybe next time…”jawab Athrun segera. Elie menggeleng pelan.

“uhmm,,, Aku rasa saat ini aku sedang tak ada janji. Baiklah, where? “ tanya Elie kemudian.

“I’ll fetch you later. Wait for me, okay?” jawab athrun segera. Elie tersenyum.

“okay. Don’t take so long,okay?” ucapnya sambil tersenyum.

“as your wish,miss. I’ll be there in a few minute. See you..” ucap athrun lalu menutup teleponnya.

“hhmm.. I wonder What he want to talk to me about. I guess…About cagalli, maybe??! ” ujar Elie sambil tersenyum pada dirinya. Dimatanya terbesit sinar sedih namun Ia tak menghiraukannya dan segera berganti pakaian.
^ ^

10 menit kemudian Athrun tiba. Elie bergegas menyelesaikan riasannya (padahal Authornye sendiri kagak pernah mau dandan..!! pembohongan public,nih..!!>.<). She wears her favorite light blue shirt and white jacket. And blue mini-skirt. She looks wonderful tonight. Her hair in ponytail style. And light make-up. Simple, but suit for her. (huehehehehehehehe… kagak bisa ngebayangin nih authornye.. *ngambil kamera trus photo2 narsis!!hwahahahahahaha)


Elie open the door and saw Athrun standing outside her house. When He noticed Elie’s appereance, Athrun’s jaw dropped but then he shook his head and said “you look wonderful.” Athrun smile sweetly to her. Elie blushed. “thanks.” She replied.

“are you ready ?” He asked and offer his hand to her. Hesitantly, she take his hand to hers and nodded happily. She went out and Locked the front door behind her and walk towards Athrun’s car.
He open the car’s door for her and she climb in with a ‘thank-you’ smile. He just Smile back to her and When they had been in the car, he started engine and drove the car.

Elie remain silent during the journey. Athrun play the dvd player in his car’s dashbord and the song “Every heart” By BoA playing, broke the clumsiness between them. She closed her eyes, enjoyed the Song and humming to herself. Athrun seized the moment and suddenly Athrun clasped his hand above hers, holding it entirely. Elie opened her eyes and stop her hum when she realized something hold her hand and She found out that it was Athrun’s. She saw Athrun’s face and she just bowed her head. They were both silent, eagerly avoiding each other’s eyes.

“erm..Athrun, where are we going?” She began to speak. Athrun turn his gaze from road to a girl beside him and said “you’ll see” and he remain silent again. His hand still hold Elie’s hand, made her cheek blush once again. After a few minutes, the car stopped. Elie look to the outside window and notice that they are go to the sea. Stellar’s favorite place, and she herself. She inhaled the air as much as She can and exhaled it slowly. The scent of salt water from the sea filled her nostril and out of the blue She reclosed her eyes, Soft smile reach her lips. Athrun turned his head to look elie and released her hands.

“Why do you bring me here, Athrun?” She asked as she look straight to his eyes. His emeralds orbs stare her honey-brown ones. His face was so calm. She blinked several times and when she want to ask him once again, He interupted.

“The main reason I bring you to this place is nothing. I just wanna go to here with you” He said as he stared to the sea. He smiled again when Elie frowned.

“liar!! I know that there’s something you want to tell me, right?! You can never lie to me..” She replied and chuckles. Athrun’s smile became wider and he shook his head.

“yeah, you right. It’s useless lie to you. I wonder you really had sixth sense” Athrun made an afraid face and She pout.

“of course not! I’m not a yesterday girl who met you, you know?! So tell me.. what do you want to talk with me?” Her face became serious, so did athrun.

“ini tentang…. Hari itu.” Athrun menjawab sambil mengalihkan pandangan. Elie menatapnya diam dan ia hanya menjawab “oh” lalu memandang kearah laut lagi.

“beberapa hari yang lalu, aku menemui cagalli. Dan aku memberi tahu tentang hal ini. “Athrun melanjutkan perkataannya. Lagu yang mengalun dari dvd playernya berganti menjadi ‘good-bye days’ By YUI. Jantungnya kembali berdegup cepat. Ia tak tahu perasaan apa yang mengalir dalam dirinya, namun elie coba tuk menghiraukannya dan tetap mendengarkan kata-kata Athrun

“lalu, apa yang cagalli katakan?” kedua tangannya memegang erat tas kecil di pangkuannya. She tried to hold back her tears. No.. I don’t wanna cry now. Not in front of him… batinnya dalam hati.

“dia memintaku tuk memikirkan hubungan kita selama 2 tahun ini. Dan me-review apa yang sebaiknya kita improve maupun avoid. Aku terus merenungi tentang apa yang telah kita jalani selama ini. Namun…”Athrun menarik napas dan menatap kearah Elie. Elie balas menatap athrun, namun ia berusaha untuk tidak memandang matanya. Ia terlalu takut mendengar apa yang akan Athrun katakan selanjutnya. Namun Ia harus mendengarkan, siap atau tidak.

“Please forgive me... I.. thought things could work out between us, I seriously did... but I was wrong. I... always thought of her as a close friend, so I wasn't aware of my own feelings until it was too late, but the truth is, I realise that I am in love with her,” said Athrun. Elie bit her lower lips and turned her gaze down.. Tears began to blur her vision.

“Although I was happy when I still with you I don't think things can continue between us as they are now... so please forgi-”

“I understand..” Elie said quietly as She looked downwards. She felt her tears slid down to her cheek. She wiped it away before Athrun could notice it.

Athrun paused as he looked at the face of the broken-hearted girl. Elie’s eyes showed sadder emotions than he had ever saw. But He saw that no tears in her eyes. And it made him felt more guilty than before.

“I know it at the first time that you never look at me as a girl who love you. You always look me as your friend. Dear friend. I know your feeling to her although you never saw it in front of me. I can See it in your eyes, Athrun. I always remain silent and pretend that I don’t know it. But, My heart can’t endure it. I don’t know what I must to do. I’m afraid if someday you will leave me forever. I know I’m selfish but, I…” She can’t finish her sentences and buried her face in her hands. She cried and sobbing hard. Her shoulders were trying to stop shaking.

The Song “aeng moo sae” By Howl playing in the silent of that night. Athrun found that he couldn't do anything to ease her pain even if it was only by a little. All he can do is just patted her head and throw his arm around Elie’s body. Her head leaned on his chest, but she didn’t return his embrace. He kissed her forehead and whispered “I’m sorry”.

Elie lifted her head to look into his eyes. She can't speak anything to him. Later, she opend her mouth and said “You don’t need to apologize. It’s all of my mistake. We made a mistake, both of us did and it’s the perfect time to end it.” She smile weakly. His gaze was sad.

Her eyes glimmering with tears and she said, more like whisper. “we’re done, Athrun”
Athrun gasp and tears shed from his emerald eyes. He hug her again and, this time Elie return the embrace, but more like friend-hug. She closed her eyes and smile mildly.

As they broke the embrace, Elie stared to his face for the last time before she turned her head and climb out from the car. She didn’t want to hear or do anything. She just want to be alone. To free herself from her thought and from the pain in her heart. When Athrun want to reached her back, His phone suddenly rang. He surprised as he look at its display that cagalli is calling. He hasitate to answer first but Elie said “answer it. It’s must an important call.” She turned to face athrun and half-smile.
But the phone went dead and he got a message instead. He read it quickly and he sighed. “it’s from cagalli” he said unwullingly. He avoid to look Elie.

“go, Athrun. She needs you now. I’ll be here a little longer. Don’t worry about me okay?” She said and a smooth wind blow her hair. Athrun stared at her and nodded slowly. He started to drove away And she walk slowly to the sea as she whisper “sayonara, Athrun…”.


Akhirna selesai jua chap 3 laknat ni..(mengingat banyaknya kendala tuk menyelesaikannya!!>.<) Thanks for the Singer yang lagunya saiia pinjam buat mendukung pembuatan fanfic ini. Huehehehehehe.. Jangan segan tuk me-review and selalu mohon dukungannya. Tak terasa saiia akan kembali kejogja lagi.. *sigh* GoodBye.. my lovely hometown,, balikpapan… *hiks* Red_KniGht: wow,, I use a lot of english language in this chapter. But I’m not sure that the structure and grammar is right or false..
BlAckDiaMOnd: wehehehehe.. kagak apa donk..! lagipula dsini elie juga banyak nangis. Mpe mata bengkak nih..!! *ngompres mata pke air garem*
Hiichan : LOOHH..??!! SAIIA MANA??? AUTHOR CURANG!!>.<
aMBER^PriNCESS: oro? (kenshin versi cagalli!!hehehe..)
Hiichan: Caga nee sama!!!Ayo Protes ama Author gendeng ini!! (SEED MODE:ON)
BlAckDiaMOnd : hehehehehehehe.. muuph..muuph.. saiia memang mem-fokuskan this chapter ke hubungan ExA.. moga kalian suka ya..!!*wink*
Red_KniGht: ngomong ama cpa? *cengok*
BlAckDiaMOnd : ama pembaca setia_Quwh.. hohohohoho
Hiichan: AuTHOR JELEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK……..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *siap-siap ngeluarin M.E.T.E.O.R dari ETERNAL*
BlAckDiaMOnd: -kabur- Sampai jumpa di chapter berikutnya..!! MMMUUAACCCHHHHH…..!!!! ^ ^

Monday, January 5, 2009


ya allah...
ini kali kedua saiia main di warnet yang sama dan mengalami hal yang sama. yaitu KONEKSI BURUK....!!!

Untuk buka friendster aja musti shalat dulu..!!! tau aja tu koneksi klo saiaa kadang suka skip shalat..(heheheheehehe)

back to topic..

trus, beginilah saiia disini, tepatnya di komputer server operator (lengkap,dah..!!ahiiibb!!) terbengong ria sembari menunggu keajaiban cinta eh koneksi supaya ga lola2 amat...
(note:lola=loading lambat)

duh..mana kebelet lagi?? pengen pulang,,nanggung euy..!!!
mo ngelanjut fanfic,,keburu sore..!!
hidup ini ternyata sulit..!!!!
